Category Archives for "opportunities"

Are You Listening?

In Part Four of Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles he focuses on how to Create Successful Relationships.

Principle #48 “Be Hear Now”.

Listen a hundred times. Ponder a thousand times. Speak Once.

Source of quote Unknown

Here are a few ideas on how we can “Be Hear Now”:

Argue Less and Listen More.

Be Interested Rather then Interesting.

Ask Powerful Questions.

Be Fully Present.


Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

Did You Know….

“Coaching is one of the most powerful forces for change in the world” says one of my mentors,  Christian Mickelsen.

Bob Nardelli, former CEO of Home Depot and Chrysler, goes as far as to say “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities”.

Want to get to where you’re going faster?  “Hire a personal coach” says Jack Canfield in Principle #45.

I agree. I believe in coaching. I know, I am a coach and a pretty good one…I’m just not good at coaching myself.  I think, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll agree that you’re not the best coach for you either. 

Coaches help you see what you can’t see.

See for yourself….


Photo by Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash


The Habit of Habits…

Yep…I just stated the obvious.  

The real questions are what habits are helping you and what habits are harming you?

In Principle #34 of The Success Principles Jack Canfield points out…”good or bad, habits always deliver results”. 

He suggests making a list of all the habits that are not helping you (here are some examples to get you thinking):

  • Procrastinating
  • Paying bills last minute or late
  • Not keeping your promises
  • Consistently being late
  • Not silencing or even worse answering your phone when you’re with a friend or business associate
  • Not listening…really listening
  • Smoking
  • Sugar
  • Fill in the blank(s) ____________________, _____________________, _______________, ________________


“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny”  Gandhi







Keep Your Eye On The Prize…

Remember as a kid the intense focus it took to play (and win) at a game?  

What was the prize you got when you won?

What’s the game you’re playing today? 

What’s the prize you’re aiming for?

Success Principle #27 is about focus. There’s more to what jack Canfield has to say about the topic…however here’s the hack…

Get into the habit of visualizing your ideal next day the night before.  

Sweet dreams….




Let’s hang out…

Who are you hanging out with?

Nay Sayers or Yay Sayers?

I have created a group of friends and business associates who are positive thinkers and offer generous support to those in their lives.  

I’d say I hang out with Yay Sayers!

One thing about Nay Sayers they’re not that fond of hanging with Yay Sayers…we tend spoil all their fun and they often fall away naturally. 

With Success Principle 25 Jack Canfield encourages us to “Drop Out of the Ain’t it Awful Club…and Surround Ourselves with Successful People”.

And remember according to Jim John…you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Who are you hanging out with? 



Photo Credit: Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Practice Persistence and the Rule of 5


Because it’s not always going to be easy. Principle #22.

There will be disappointments and failures on your way to manifesting your dreams and desires.

On your way through your disappointments and failures “Practice the Rule of 5”, Principle #23, in which Jack Canfield recommends that ,every day, you do five specific things that will move your goal toward completion.

I like this concept because it reduces that lengthily, never ending today list to just 5!

What 5 things will you focus on this week?

PS: If you need help identifying your top 5 lets hop on the phone and let me help you:

PSPS: One of my coaches pointed out one time that I can’t see what’s on the tip of my nose but she can…perhaps I can do the same for you.

Photo credit Ryan Johns on

Use Feedback for Improvement

How do we measure how we’re doing?

Ask for feedback!

YIKES…the one thing we don’t want to do is ask for feedback.

Why? Because it might be negative!

Gulp…ask anyway.

In Success Principles #19 (Use Feedback to Your Advantage) and #20 (Commit to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement Jack Canfield lays out a path for us to ask how we’re doing and use the feedback to improve our quality of work, communication skills, relationships….all aspects of our life.

Who will you ask for feedback from this week?

Reject Rejection

Easier said than done…right?

You see as ancient humans if we were kicked out of the tribe we couldn’t survive…virtual death sentence.

We still have that ancient program running and it feels like it’s THE END if we get rejected, shut out or made fun of. It’s that survival code that’s built into our DNA.

Jack Canfield brings up the hard stuff and there is no easy answer…sometimes, as Principle 17 says, we just have to Reject Rejection.

Be aware of the story you’re telling yourself or the critical judgment that surfaces if you do get rejected.

There are any number reasons there was a NO…however it’s important to remember YOU are not one of the reasons.

I Quit!


How many times have these words crossed your mind? Maybe even crossed your lips...

Did you really mean it or did it come from a sense of frustration because things just aren't working?

When I work with my clients through these frustrations, what we often find is they're doing too much...

Too much doing and not enough delegating!

What can you let go of so you can do more of what moves your business forward and less of what doesn't? What would make you say "I'd Never Quit"?

In Gratitude,

PS: Need help sorting through what you can let go of? Reply to this email with the subject line "letting go" and take advantage of a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session with me.

PPS: You'll leave this complimentary session with a clear vision and direction for your business, a sense of the challenges that may be holding you back, a plan for moving forward and a renewed sense of excitement and possibility for your future.

Johanna McClain

I’m Just Not Creative

I often hear this from business owners..."I'm just not creative".

For some reason we have an idea that creativity is limited to poets and painters.

I can't imagine anything more creative that creating and building a business, solving problems, providing services and generating revenue.

If you are not feeling creative in your business, take a look at where you are stuck and see if you can back away and look at a creative solution for getting un-stuck.

Need help? Please feel free to reach out to me for an "outsiders" viewpoint.

With Gratitude,


Johanna McClain