Category Archives for "Excited"

Passion + Enthusiasm = Living Out Loud

That’s right…make some noise! 

Show some Enthusiasm!  

Jack Canfield shares in Principle #38 the word enthusiasm comes from the Greek word entheos, which means “to be filled with GOD.”

When you are filled with spirit you are naturally filled with and fueled by Passion. 

Are you doing what you love to do?  

If not what would you do that is different?

How can you bring your Passion and Enthusiasm out into the world?


Passion.  Enthusiasm. Live Out Loud!



Photo by Quân Nguy?n on Unsplash

A great talent once said…..

“If I hold back, I’m no good.”

~Janice Joplin

Are you holding back?

Are you keeping your gifts and greatness to yourself?

Are you hiding behind fear?

Are you ready to be seen?

What will you do today to not hold back?

In Gratitude,

Johanna McClain





Let’s Dance….

Let's Dance...

I was just thinking about what new activities I would add to my goals for the year that would create more fun and social engagement. Ta Da.....dancing!

Then I did a little research and found this from

Dancing has a wide range of physical and mental benefits including:

  • Improved condition of your heart and lungs
  • Increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness
  • Increased aerobic fitness
  • Improved muscle tone and strength
  • Weight management
  • Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Better coordination, agility and flexibility
  • Improved balance and spatial awareness
  • Increased physical confidence
  • Improved mental functioning
  • Improved general and psychological wellbeing
  • Greater self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Better social skills

Hope to see you include dance, especially if it feels awkward, to your 2017 personal/recreational goal setting 🙂 

Let's dance........

In Gratitude,

Johanna McClain



It’s comfy and cozy in here.

As the weather changes and a bit of a chill is in the air, I begin to bring out my comfy cozy slippers, robe, sweaters and favorite recipes all designed to help me feel good and safe and content.

That works...except in business!

In business, everything you want is outside of comfy and cozy...

What are you willing to do today that feels scary, risky maybe even exciting that would make a difference in your business a month from now, a year from now?

Take off those cozy slippers and feel your feet on the jump!

In Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

Price -vs- Priceless

I was with my mastermind group in San Diego this week and we had a free evening to go out for dinner. Two of my buddies and I began our walk to the restaurant and while waiting to cross the street, we were invited, by a very enthusiastic disco rickshaw driver, to take a ride…

We could not say no the the flashing lights and pulsing music, so we hopped on and seat danced our way to the restaurant! It was so much fun to be a free-wheelin’ tourist!

When we arrived at our destination and went for our wallets, we were shocked to be told that our transportation cost was $30…per person. You read right $30 per person.

So the question is, would we have allowed ourselves this wonderful joyous experience if we had ask about the price first? Answer…hell no!

How many times have you robbed yourself of a trip, a business opportunity, the car you really wanted based on price?

Next time you get to choose…choose priceless over price. I can honestly tell you, in hindsight I would have paid double for that rickshaw ride.

With Love and Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

Are You Excited?

I woke up this morning excited about what was possible for me today and it got me wondering…are you excited too?

Do you realize that what you do and what you offer NO ONE ELSE DOES?  You are uniquely YOU and people come to rely on you for that.  Now that’s exciting!

Show your enthusiasm and your passion for what you do and people can’t help but respond to it.

Be Excited.  Be Bold.  Be Yourself.