Category Archives for "awareness"

Are You Listening?

In Part Four of Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles he focuses on how to Create Successful Relationships.

Principle #48 “Be Hear Now”.

Listen a hundred times. Ponder a thousand times. Speak Once.

Source of quote Unknown

Here are a few ideas on how we can “Be Hear Now”:

Argue Less and Listen More.

Be Interested Rather then Interesting.

Ask Powerful Questions.

Be Fully Present.


Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

Did You Know….

“Coaching is one of the most powerful forces for change in the world” says one of my mentors,  Christian Mickelsen.

Bob Nardelli, former CEO of Home Depot and Chrysler, goes as far as to say “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities”.

Want to get to where you’re going faster?  “Hire a personal coach” says Jack Canfield in Principle #45.

I agree. I believe in coaching. I know, I am a coach and a pretty good one…I’m just not good at coaching myself.  I think, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll agree that you’re not the best coach for you either. 

Coaches help you see what you can’t see.

See for yourself….


Photo by Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash


The Company You Keep…

Aesop is quoted as saying “A man is known by the company he keeps”.

Jack Canfield in Principle #44 reminds us to “Create a Network of Mentors and Others Who Will Up-Level You”.

Look at the people around you and and see who you want to spend more time with because they are exciting, positive, innovative and fun.

Build your close network…support and be supported. 

Photo by Andrii Ryzhkov on Unsplash

Become A Leader Worth Following

In Principle #43 Jack Canfield highlights the behaviors that make great leaders “whether you own a business, teach school, manage a small group, coach a team , or are working to advance a cause…you need to enroll others in order to be successful”. 

Here are 6 Behaviors he shares to help you along the path to being an effective leader:

Behavior #1: Know Your Own Strengths And Weaknesses

Behavior #2: Hold Yourself Accountable…And Others, Too

Behavior #3: Inspire Your Team With A Clear, Compelling, Continuous Vision

Behavior #4: Listen For Possibility

Behavior #5: Coach Others To Take A Leadership Role

Behavior #6: Maintain An Attitude of Gratitude

Is there a behavior you would add to this list? Please share….


Photo by rob walsh on Unsplash

The Art of Delegating

Have you ever said to yourself, or even out loud, “It’s easier if I just do it myself.”?

It’s a common theme for many of us.  The results however are not always very productive since we rob ourselves of time and energy, increase our sense of frustration and deny someone the opportunity to learn and grow.

In Principle 41 the advice from Jack Canfield is to Build a Powerful Support Team and Delegate to them. 

Do what you do best and hire out the rest!

And… take this advice from General George S. Patton “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”



Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

Leave that alone and…

Stay focused on what you want to do.

I met with a  bright young woman this morning.  We talked about a business idea I want to bring to market.

I’m excited about this idea and come to find out she’s just as excited! In fact she’s thinking even bigger than me and loves doing all the things I don’t love doing.

Question.  Can I afford to hire her?

Answer. I can’t afford not to hire her!

In Part Three of Jack Canfield’s Success Principles the focus is to “Build Your Success Team”.  Today I found my success team…Principle 39 “Stay Focused on Your Core Genius” and I will add hire someone for their Core Genius and build your Success Team.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller


Passion + Enthusiasm = Living Out Loud

That’s right…make some noise! 

Show some Enthusiasm!  

Jack Canfield shares in Principle #38 the word enthusiasm comes from the Greek word entheos, which means “to be filled with GOD.”

When you are filled with spirit you are naturally filled with and fueled by Passion. 

Are you doing what you love to do?  

If not what would you do that is different?

How can you bring your Passion and Enthusiasm out into the world?


Passion.  Enthusiasm. Live Out Loud!



Photo by Quân Nguy?n on Unsplash

Commit to Lifelong Learning

When my grandmother, “Gingle”, turned 90 I traveled to Albuquerque to celebrate this special day with her and lots of family members.

Gingle, an avid reader, greeted me when I walked into her home with this…”Joey Sue I’m reading the most incredible book…7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and she proceeded to share a passage that she was especially inspired by.

My grandmother taught us, our family, the love of reading and the joy of a commitment to Lifelong Learning.

Jack Canfield titled Principle #36 Learn More to Earn More.  This applies and I would also add…learn more to transcend limiting beliefs, expand your world view and enjoy the richness of other cultures.


PS: Thank you Gingle


The Habit of Habits…

Yep…I just stated the obvious.  

The real questions are what habits are helping you and what habits are harming you?

In Principle #34 of The Success Principles Jack Canfield points out…”good or bad, habits always deliver results”. 

He suggests making a list of all the habits that are not helping you (here are some examples to get you thinking):

  • Procrastinating
  • Paying bills last minute or late
  • Not keeping your promises
  • Consistently being late
  • Not silencing or even worse answering your phone when you’re with a friend or business associate
  • Not listening…really listening
  • Smoking
  • Sugar
  • Fill in the blank(s) ____________________, _____________________, _______________, ________________


“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny”  Gandhi







Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

“I still don’t know what I was waiting for …” lyrics and song by David Bowie

Principle 31 encourages us to Embrace Change. 

Jack Canfield reminds us that “change is inevitable “.

What’s changing in your life?

Are you embracing or resisting the change(s)?

What could you do differently, that you’re not doing now, to embrace change?

What ARE you waiting for?



Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

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