Monthly Archives: November 2016

Fear or Fantasy?

By definition...

Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Fantasy: the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.

My question is...are either one of these real or are they both imagined?

I have worked with hundreds of business owners and entrepreneurs and the #1 thing that holds them back is fear. And when we explore where this fear originates it is usually fantasy, imagined and not based in truth.

What are you afraid of?

Success? Failure? Being judged?

Do your fears hold you back?

Is there something you really want that you're not reaching for?

How do you overcome your fears?

What will you do to overcome the fear of moving forward and having life on your terms and not fears terms?

I would love to hear about what bold action you took today to kick fear to the curb!

In Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

In A Gratitude Rut?

I'm so very Grateful for my life and all of the remarkable people, like you, who have come into my orbit.

And there you have it...potential for a Gratitude Rut!

Don't get me wrong...I love and appreciate all the blessings in my life and as Thanksgiving (in the US) approaches, we become even more tuned in to what we are Grateful for. This means our daily Gratitude practice can run the risk of being like the movie Groundhound Day.

This week I invite you to challenge yourself and make a list of 50 daily Gratitudes...include the important ones (family, friends, clean water, pets etc)...and then begin to work on the ones you might take for granted.

I'll start...toilet paper, scissors, shampoo, tweezers, postage stamps, jokes, bubble baths...

Your turn...have fun and please feel free to share.

With Love and Gratitude,

Johanna McClain






I’m Just Not Creative

I often hear this from business owners..."I'm just not creative".

For some reason we have an idea that creativity is limited to poets and painters.

I can't imagine anything more creative that creating and building a business, solving problems, providing services and generating revenue.

If you are not feeling creative in your business, take a look at where you are stuck and see if you can back away and look at a creative solution for getting un-stuck.

Need help? Please feel free to reach out to me for an "outsiders" viewpoint.

With Gratitude,


Johanna McClain