Monthly Archives: December 2019

Tell The Truth Faster

Have you ever felt that unsettling discomfort when you’re challenged to Tell The Truth?

Why we don’t tell the truth:

  • It’s uncomfortable
  • We’re afraid of the consequences
  • We might hurt someones feelings 

Why we need to tell the truth:

  • We deal in reality with the truth
  • Our energy is freed up
  • We stay honest
  • We respect ourselves and others when we tell the truth

What a  powerful Principle #50 is.  Thank you Jack Canfield for reminding us of it’s importance.

“When in doubt, tell the truth”. Mark Twain



Photo: Tiago Felipe Ferreira via Unsplash

Have A Heart Talk

Principle #49 is one of my favorites from The Success Principles of Jack Canfield.

In this chapter he shares the Heart Talk process by its creator Cliff Durfee. Mr. Durfee says…

“Most communication resembles a Ping-Pong game in which people are merely preparing to slam their next point across; but pausing to understand differing points of view and associated feelings can turn apparent opponents into true members of the same team”.

Results you can expect from Heart Talk:

  • Enhanced listening skills
  • Constructive expression of feelings
  • Improved conflict resolution skills
  • Improved abilities to let go of resentments and old issues
  • Development of mutual respect and understanding
  • Greater sense of connection, unity and bonding

For more complete Heart Talk information, visit

From my heart to yours…..



Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash