Category Archives for "eWomen"

Are You Excited?

I woke up this morning excited about what was possible for me today and it got me wondering…are you excited too?

Do you realize that what you do and what you offer NO ONE ELSE DOES?  You are uniquely YOU and people come to rely on you for that.  Now that’s exciting!

Show your enthusiasm and your passion for what you do and people can’t help but respond to it.

Be Excited.  Be Bold.  Be Yourself.


The Company I Keep

I was recently at the 2011 eWomen’s International Conference in Dallas, Texas. There is so much I could say about the experience but there was one huge take away for me and that is to be aware of the company I keep. Am I keeping company with supportive, forward thinking, courageous visionaries? Or am I keeping company with negative, energy draining complainers? Les Brown was one of the keynote speakers at the conference and he presented it this way: Did Martin Luther King say, “I have a complaint”? NO! He had a dream and he surrounded himself with people who had that same dream. I strongly encourage you to ask yourself…what is the company I keep?

In gratitude,


Johanna McClain