Monthly Archives: July 2012

Yoga Off the Mat: Applying Ancient Principles to Modern Business

Wow! That’s a mouthful…but such a sweet mouthful, for me anyway. As many of you know I am a business coach AND a yoga teacher. I am passionate about both of these lines of work. However, the two have given me a sense of frustration and anxiety as well…for so many years they seemed so separate. One minute I was barefoot on a yoga mat and the next I was in heels in a boardroom.

For the past two years I have been highly invested in a mastermind where I have spent time exploring the possiblity of merging the two. It has led me to stand in both places, on and off the mat, simultaneously.

I was taught three important principles in my Anusara yoga training: Attitude. Alignment. Action. My big Aha came when I realized I was coaching clients on: Attitude. Alignment. Action. Plus I have added a few bonus’s.

Attitude: are you clear that you and only you is responsible for how your day will unfold
Authnticity: are you who you say you are
Alignment: having your purpose and vision for your business in alignment with your mission, core values and commitments
Action: your plan, your business in motion
Attraction: get the first four A’s down and attract the support and clients you were meant to serve

If you think this might be of help for you in your business please feel free to apply for a free strategy session with me at

Have a great Attitude. Be Authentic. Get into Alignment. Get into Action. Attract the business and clients you desire.

For the Joy of it…..

I woke up this morning and was greeted by the beautiful early morning light, my sweet grand-dog always loving me unconditionally and the safety and shelter of my home.

I am full of Joy!

My morning “ritual” is to begin my day by Opening to Grace. I learned this in my Anusara yoga teacher training; the idea is to soften and receive what is already our devineness. That one simple action brings me Joy and opens the day in a most graceful way.

I am struck by how often we forget to pay attention to what brings us Joy.

I invite you today to find your Joy, make a deep connection, and see how your energy shifts.

Today, I invite you to write down at least five things that bring you Joy. As you write each thing down make a conscious effort not just to list, but experience what brings you Joy and pay attention to how this makes you feel…do this for the Joy of it!

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Joyful!

On the Treadmill or On the Track

Do you feel like you are in constant motion but just not getting anywhere; running as fast as you can on that Treadmill…heart racing, sweating and out of breath.  Press STOP!

Now step off the Treadmill, take a deep breath and allow your heart to settle back into your chest, cool down and take a nice deep breath.  Perfect.  You are now on the Track.

You don’t have to move fast, move mindfully.

You don’t have to race to the finish line,  move toward it.

Choose your first step, take that step and then choose your second step and keep in motion and observe the joy of forward movement and what it feels like to be making progress.

Be Mindful.  Be Moving. Be Marvelous.


Is Freedom something we are entitled to or is Freedom something we earn? My personal belief is we earn our Freedom. The reason I believe this is because if we are not invested, if we have no skin in the game, we take our Freedom for granted and run the risk of losing it. We have a responsiblity to take a stand for our Freedom and not back down.

What Freedom’s are you standing for: Political, Religeous, Financial, Business, Personal. Speech? What are you willing to do to insure your Freedom? Will you wait for someone to fight for your Freedom or will you take action yourself?

Why is Freedom important to you and what action will you take to protect your Freedom today? Tomorrow? In the future?

I encourage you to explore this topic and share your thoughts with us?

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Free.