Monthly Archives: July 2016

What’s the point?

I really mean…what’s my Purpose?

It’s an age old question. An important question. And it may be easier to answer than we think…

If you stopped searching outside of yourself, for just a moment, it just might bubble to the surface.

You see, your soul knows your purpose…that’s why it chose YOU!

Try this exercise:

Sit quietly. Take a few deep breaths from deep in your belly. Drop out of your head and into your heart. Now meditate on these questions:

What do people naturally come to me for? (Advice, a good laugh, a warm hug, an open ear and a quiet mouth, help with relationships, etc….)

What comes easily to me? (Problem solving, listening, teaching, researching, networking, connecting people, peacekeeping, a good joke or story, etc…)

Without editing; journal / write down what comes to mind.

Please message me at and share what you found out about your Purpose.

Be still. Be trusting. Be yourself.

With Love and Gratitude,


Johanna McClain

The Power of Many!

I was recently at a full day mastermind with over 40 other business owners and entrepreneurs.

The theme…collaboration not competition.

Many times we feel like we have to do everything on our own. What I have learned about that business strategy is that it’s lonely. We’re not always our best advisor or mentor and it’s way more fun to to brainstorm with other like minded people.

Are you in collaboration, (super conductor style), with your business community? If not, what can you do to get there?

Need ideas? Please feel free to reach out to me.

In Gratitude,


Johanna McClain

Why can’t I blame you?


Oooooh I so want to!

This would get me off the hook for taking personal responsibility for my life.

What can I get from this strategy?

Will I be courageous?

Will I grow and stretch beyond my wildest dreams?

Will I become the person I want to be?

Will I respect myself and others?

I don’t believe I will achieve these personal heights if i choose to blame you…you being a stand-in for life.

We get nowhere fast by blaming life, being the victim and not taking full, and I mean 100%, responsibility for our actions and our reactions.

Are you willing to take on building your Responsibility Muscle?

Yes…it may be a little painful at first, but with a consistent workout, this muscle can take you a long way toward creating a life that you’ll love living.

Be Bold. Be Strong. Be Responsible.

In Gratitude,


Johanna McClain