Monthly Archives: May 2019

Exceed Expectations…

There’s a lot to be said in honoring your word or even better…over delivering on your promise!

Think back to a time when you surprised someone by doing just that.

Think back to a time when someone surprised you by doing that for you!

These moments are important because we make or experience something special and memorable.

I have a friend, Alina Vincent, who I think Jack Canfield must have had in mind when he came up with Principle 24… Exceed Expectations.  

Alina is a business coach, brilliant strategist and trainer.  I have known Alina and been a grateful student for years.  I think the secret to her success is her ability to always over deliver on her promises…to always Exceed Expectations!

If you’re a business owner looking to increase your online presence Alina’s Visibility Kickstarter Challenge is coming soon.

Look for emails from me, sign up, and experience for yourself what’s its like to be WOW’d!

Practice Persistence and the Rule of 5


Because it’s not always going to be easy. Principle #22.

There will be disappointments and failures on your way to manifesting your dreams and desires.

On your way through your disappointments and failures “Practice the Rule of 5”, Principle #23, in which Jack Canfield recommends that ,every day, you do five specific things that will move your goal toward completion.

I like this concept because it reduces that lengthily, never ending today list to just 5!

What 5 things will you focus on this week?

PS: If you need help identifying your top 5 lets hop on the phone and let me help you:

PSPS: One of my coaches pointed out one time that I can’t see what’s on the tip of my nose but she can…perhaps I can do the same for you.

Photo credit Ryan Johns on

Keeping Score…

Ugh! Sounds boring, uninspiring and not creative for those creatives of you out there.

However…for the golfer, the tennis advocate and the bowling enthusiast it’s all about the score!

How can we look at Principle #21, Keeping Score For Success, in a different or more creative and inspiring way?

Jack Canfield suggests we “measure what we want, not what we don’t want” and that feels like an entirely different energy.

From that different perspective we can tap into our hearts desires and creatively visualize how we will bring our dreams and desires out into our physical world. Hint: don’t forget to pay attention, to make note of your successes…in other words Measure What Matters.

Use Feedback for Improvement

How do we measure how we’re doing?

Ask for feedback!

YIKES…the one thing we don’t want to do is ask for feedback.

Why? Because it might be negative!

Gulp…ask anyway.

In Success Principles #19 (Use Feedback to Your Advantage) and #20 (Commit to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement Jack Canfield lays out a path for us to ask how we’re doing and use the feedback to improve our quality of work, communication skills, relationships….all aspects of our life.

Who will you ask for feedback from this week?