Because it’s not always going to be easy. Principle #22.
There will be disappointments and failures on your way to manifesting your dreams and desires.
On your way through your disappointments and failures “Practice the Rule of 5”, Principle #23, in which Jack Canfield recommends that ,every day, you do five specific things that will move your goal toward completion.
I like this concept because it reduces that lengthily, never ending today list to just 5!
What 5 things will you focus on this week?
PS: If you need help identifying your top 5 lets hop on the phone and let me help you: https://my.timetrade.com/book/XSMP2
PSPS: One of my coaches pointed out one time that I can’t see what’s on the tip of my nose but she can…perhaps I can do the same for you.
Photo credit Ryan Johns on Unsplash.com