Monthly Archives: August 2016

What are you afraid of?

What Are You Afraid Of?

I did a little research on some of the top fears American’s suffer from and here’s what I found…

Overall, fear of public speaking is America’s biggest phobia – 25.3% say they fear speaking in front of a crowd. Clowns, 7.6% feared, are officially scarier than ghosts (7.3%), but zombies are scarier than both at 8.9%.

It’s interesting because when I talk to clients, they never mention clowns, ghosts or zombies…there is some fear of public speaking but it is mostly related to “being seen”, “being vulnerable”, “being judged or criticized”, “being wrong”, “not being good enough”, “not having enough money”, “not having enough time”…

Whew that’s a lot of energy spent on being afraid….or really more about worry…the nasty twin of fear!

You know what worries me? It’s that this condition is similar to a low grade fever that we learn to live with, tolerate or rationalize.

Please let me know what you do to eliminate fear and worry so I can stop worrying about you!

With love and Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

PS: My technique…The Peace Process™ taught by Christian Mickelsen. And of course my personal mantra when those nasty thoughts crop up…’liar liar pants on fire’!

How do you eat an elephant?

Take one bite at a time.

I am not advocating eating an elephant. They are endangered and such noble creatures. Besides, I’m a vegetarian…

The point is to chunk it down. Mark Twain put it this way “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting the first one”.

Do you have something BIG that you’re up to and don’t know where to start?

Here’s an idea: Divide your big idea into 7 steps… (hint: begin with the end in mind so you know what your end result will be). Then assign 5 action items to each step with timelines and who will help you accomplish the action or hold you accountable for the action.

Let me know how it goes.

With Love and Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

Can you believe that?

Have you ever stopped and really listened to the negative mental chatter in your head?

Would you ever talk to anyone the way to talk to yourself?

Would you ever tolerate anyone talking to you the way you talk to yourself?

And then to really make things interesting, have you ever found yourself wondering what other people might be thinking about you?

I didn’t think so…but just in case it ever happens to you…

Start to notice, become aware of your inner dialogue and know that what you choose to believe is up to you.

And if that crazy making mind says “I can’t”, what do you do?

Here’s my little secret…I stop…I notice my thoughts…and then I say my favorite mantra…’liar liar pants on fire’ and then get back to the business of believing!

With Love and Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

Price -vs- Priceless

I was with my mastermind group in San Diego this week and we had a free evening to go out for dinner. Two of my buddies and I began our walk to the restaurant and while waiting to cross the street, we were invited, by a very enthusiastic disco rickshaw driver, to take a ride…

We could not say no the the flashing lights and pulsing music, so we hopped on and seat danced our way to the restaurant! It was so much fun to be a free-wheelin’ tourist!

When we arrived at our destination and went for our wallets, we were shocked to be told that our transportation cost was $30…per person. You read right $30 per person.

So the question is, would we have allowed ourselves this wonderful joyous experience if we had ask about the price first? Answer…hell no!

How many times have you robbed yourself of a trip, a business opportunity, the car you really wanted based on price?

Next time you get to choose…choose priceless over price. I can honestly tell you, in hindsight I would have paid double for that rickshaw ride.

With Love and Gratitude,

Johanna McClain

What’s possible?

Crazy as you may think it sounds…what’s possible is what you believe is possible!

Just think if the Wright brothers didn’t believe we could fly…well probably someone else would have figured it out but you get what I’m saying.

What do you need to believe is possible in order for your brain to assist you in taking on the job of accomplishing it?

I read this in Jack Canfield’s book ‘Success Principles’:

“It’s not what you don’t know that holds you back; it’s what you do know that isn’t true”.

Hmmmmmm that’s worth some thinking on…

Write it down. What do you know that isn’t true?

Feel like sharing? I’d love to hear from you.

With Love and Gratitude,


Johanna McClain