How many times have these words crossed your mind? Maybe even crossed your lips...
Did you really mean it or did it come from a sense of frustration because things just aren't working?
When I work with my clients through these frustrations, what we often find is they're doing too much...
Too much doing and not enough delegating!
What can you let go of so you can do more of what moves your business forward and less of what doesn't? What would make you say "I'd Never Quit"?
In Gratitude,
PS: Need help sorting through what you can let go of? Reply to this email with the subject line "letting go" and take advantage of a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session with me.
PPS: You'll leave this complimentary session with a clear vision and direction for your business, a sense of the challenges that may be holding you back, a plan for moving forward and a renewed sense of excitement and possibility for your future.