
Oooooh I so want to!
This would get me off the hook for taking personal responsibility for my life.
What can I get from this strategy?
Will I be courageous?
Will I grow and stretch beyond my wildest dreams?
Will I become the person I want to be?
Will I respect myself and others?
I don’t believe I will achieve these personal heights if i choose to blame you…you being a stand-in for life.
We get nowhere fast by blaming life, being the victim and not taking full, and I mean 100%, responsibility for our actions and our reactions.
Are you willing to take on building your Responsibility Muscle?
Yes…it may be a little painful at first, but with a consistent workout, this muscle can take you a long way toward creating a life that you’ll love living.
Be Bold. Be Strong. Be Responsible.
In Gratitude,