Tag Archives for " joy "

Creating Abundance

I have been enjoying Deepak Chopra’s 21-Day Meditation Challenge. Today was day 9 and after completing the meditation and reflecting on how to bring Abundance into our lives I came to the simple conclusion that we must…


Give with no strings attached.

Receive with Grace.

Be Generous.                Be Gracious.                Experience Abundance.

For the Joy of it…..

I woke up this morning and was greeted by the beautiful early morning light, my sweet grand-dog always loving me unconditionally and the safety and shelter of my home.

I am full of Joy!

My morning “ritual” is to begin my day by Opening to Grace. I learned this in my Anusara yoga teacher training; the idea is to soften and receive what is already our devineness. That one simple action brings me Joy and opens the day in a most graceful way.

I am struck by how often we forget to pay attention to what brings us Joy.

I invite you today to find your Joy, make a deep connection, and see how your energy shifts.

Today, I invite you to write down at least five things that bring you Joy. As you write each thing down make a conscious effort not just to list, but experience what brings you Joy and pay attention to how this makes you feel…do this for the Joy of it!

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Joyful!